Seven Things To Know When You Receive A Notice Of Investigation From The Department Of Health
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Don’t Ignore Florida Department of Health Complaints: Act Now
By George F. Indest III, J.D., M.P.A., LL.M., Board Certified by The Florida Bar in Health Law I hear again and again from doctors, nurses, dentists, mental health counselors, and other health professionals that they received a letter from the Florida Department of Health (DOH) and did not respond to
DOJ Launches Whistleblower Rewards Program Inspired by Old West Posters
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Good News and Bad News: Medicare Decreases Physician Rates but Mental Health Counselors Now Allowed to Bill Medicare
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Many Adverse NPDB Actions Are Reported That Should Not Be; Here Are Some Examples
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FL Pharmacy Alleges Wrongful HHS PrEP Program Termination
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Florida Man Guilty in $36.2M Telemedicine Fraud
By George F. Indest III, J.D., M.P.A., LL.M., Board Certified by The Florida Bar in Health Law On March 20th, 2024, the U.S. Attorney’s Office, in the Middle District of Florida, announced that a Florida man pled guilty to conspiring to commit health care fraud in a $36.2 million telemedicine