Seven Things To Know When You Receive A Notice Of Investigation From The Department Of Health
About The Health Law Firm
The Health Law Firm’s attorneys represent physicians, nurses, mental health counselors, nurse practitioners and other healthcare providers. It was created by board certified healthcare law attorneys and licensed health professionals. Beginning in 1999 in Orlando, Florida, it rapidly expanded to include offices in Pensacola, Denver and New Orleans.
Our attorneys include those with Master of Laws degrees in health law, and those board certified in health law. They are licensed in Florida, Colorado, Louisiana, Washington, D.C., and Virginia, but practice in other states, as well.
We pride ourselves on our decades of experience in representing physicians, nurses, psychotherapists and others in a wide expanse of legal matters. These include professional license defense, nursing and professional board hearings, defense in complaint investigations, contracts and litigation. Formal administrative hearings, state and federal, are our bread and butter.
We represent doctors, nurses and therapists in a number of unique areas other law firms ignore. These include:
Hospital Medical Staff Clinical Privileges Fair Hearings
Residency Program Disputes, Appeals and Legal Proceedings
Military and VA Physician Peer Review and Investigations
USMLE Irregular Behavior Hearings
NPDB Adverse Report Challenges and Appeals
Medicare and Medicaid Audits and Subpoenas
Indian Health Service (IHS) physician medical staff hearings
These are just a few or the areas in which we routinely represent health professionals.
Although most of our clients are in Florida (from Key West to Pensacola), Louisiana and Colorado, we also work on cases across the United States.
George Indest is Board Certified by The Florida Bar in the legal specialty of Health Law. He has published numerous articles and books on health law, nursing law and physician representation. He also currently edits and publishes eight (8) different blogs on health law topics.
In addition, George Indest is the former general counsel of a teaching hospital and is a member of The American Association of Nurse Attorneys (TAANA) and the American Health Law Association (AHLA).