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Seven Things To Know When You Receive A Notice Of Investigation From The Department Of Health
During the 2014 session, the Florida legislature passed Senate Bill 1030 or the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014. This law legalizes low-THC cannabis in liquid form for qualified Florida patients with certain medical conditions. Medical marijuana treatment may be available in Florida as soon as January 2015.
The Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014 is just the first step for Florida. A broader medical marijuana law, a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitutions (“Amendment 2”), will appear on the ballot in Florida’s November 2014 elections. If passed, Amendment 2 will legalize the growing, purchasing, possession and use of marijuana to treat medical conditions.
With the legalization of medical marijuana, state health officials are now left to sort out many details before doctors and dispensaries can sell medical marijuana. These new laws and regulations will govern, among other things, when and how medical marijuana may be certified or ordered for patients.
The Health Law Firm and its attorneys can assist health care providers and facilities, such as physicians, pharmacists, and pharmacies, in completing applications for registration, permitting and licensing, as well as drafting contracts that comply with Florida law. For those health care providers wanting to certify or order medical marijuana for patients, we can provide compliance guidance to verify you are practicing within state laws and regulations. Our attorneys can provide legal advice and counsel on how to avoid violations of applicable federal laws. We can also represent health care providers in investigations conducted by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), the Florida Department of Health (DOH), and various licensing boards, with regard to potential actions taken against professional licenses.
Hiring attorneys experienced in representing physicians, pharmacists and other health care professionals is crucial. The Health Law Firm represents health care professionals exclusively. We understand that when it comes to legalizing medical marijuana, health care providers may face the most difficult legal quandary. Florida authorities and professional boards may closely monitor the actions of physicians and pharmacists who certify and dispense medical marijuana.
As this new area of medicine evolves, you need to protect yourself and your license by keeping up to date with rules and regulations. For more information on Florida’s medical marijuana amendments and how these changes will impact health care providers, click here for our Medical Marijuana Law Blog.
For more information on Medical Marijuana, see:
Main Office • 1101 Douglas Avenue, Suite 1000, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone: (407) 331-6620
By Appointment • 37 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 500, Orlando, FL 32801 Telephone: (888) 331-6620
By Appointment • 201 E. Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Telephone: (850) 439-1001 • Telefax: (407) 331-3030
By Appointment: 201 St. Charles Avenue, Suite 2500, New Orleans, LA 70170
Medicare/Medicaid Audits, Health Care Law, Contracts, Hospital Privileges Hearings, Investigations, DEA Defense, Board of Medicine Defense, Healthcare Fraud Defense, Medical Staff Fair Hearings, Administrative Hearings, PRN, IPN, Professional Licensing, Medicare/Medicaid Fraud Defense, Nursing Law, Hospital Peer Review, Hospital Law, Board of Dentistry, Board of Nursing Complaint Defense, Board of Pharmacy, Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) Defense, Search Warrant and Subpoena Defense, NBME Representation, USMLE Challenges, ABIM Representation, Resident Physician Defense, VA & Military Physician Defense, Department of Health Investigation Defense, and more…
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