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Michael L. Smith, R.R.T., J.D., Talks about Liability of Different Professions and Different Hospital Departments

Webster University Health Law Administration Class 2013
George F. Indest III and The Health Law Firm’s attorneys lecture a Health Law Administration Class at Webster University. The course introduces the law and legal processes that affect health administration. The course presents an overview of legal principles concerned with torts, contracts, and liability in health administration, including the legal standing of individuals covered by various types of health insurance. Legal elements of labor relations in the health care field and the legal obligations and malpractice law are discussed as they apply to health professionals.

How Employers Can Avoid Liability of an Employee’s Actions

The Differences Between a Medical Assistant and a Physician Assistant

Who is Held Liable Under Res Ipsa Loquitur?

Why was the Federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) Enacted?

A Patient Cannot Consent to a Sexual Relationship with a Health Care Provider

The Expanding Role of Pharmacists and What to Watch Out for as a Hospital Administrator