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Lance O. Leider, J.D., and Catherine T. Hollis J.D., Lecture on Contracting for Physicians and Health Professionals

Florida Hospital Lecture August 2013

Attorneys Lance O. Leider and Catherine T. Hollis with The Health Law Firm delivered a lecture to Florida Hospital’s family medicine residents and medical students. The lecture took place on Wednesday, August 7, 2013, at Florida Hospital East Orlando. The topic focused on contracting for physicians and health professionals, primarily by discussing employment agreements.

How Should the Parties be Named in a Physician Employment Agreement?

What is the Difference Between the Effective Date and the Start Date in an Employment Agreement?

What is an Automatic Renewal Policy in a Physician Employment Agreement?

In a Physician Employment Agreement, How is Compensation Determined?

What are Common Methods of Compensation?

What is a Covenant Not-to-Compete and is it Enforceable Under Florida Law?

What is the Difference Between Claims Made and Occurrence Based Malpractice Insurance Policies?