Call:  (407) 331-6620 or (850) 439-1001
Toll-free:  (888) 331-6620 

Professional Insurance Covering Teachers and other Education Professionals

Association of American Educators (AEA) Insurance Attorneys, National Education Association (NEA) Defense Lawyers, Proliability Insurance Defense Attorneys, Union Plus Insurance Defense Attorneys

If you carry professional liability insurance coverage for your educational duties, then you may have insurance coverage that will pay for legal defense in many cases.  Such insurance may include coverage of your legal fees if your employment is terminated, if criminal charges are filed against you, if a civil lawsuit is brought against you, if a disciplinary action is commenced against you by the school or school board, or if administrative action is convened to revoke or suspend your teaching certificate by the Department of Education.

Insurance through the following companies or organizations provides broad coverage for the education professional:

        Association of American Educators (AAE)
        Proliability Insurance
        Union Plus Insurance
        National Education Association (NEA)

Our attorneys can work with your insurer to defend you or represent you in your case.

Contact The Health Law Firm immediately if you have legal action initiated against you and you are insured by any of the above companies.