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National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB), Disputing NPDB Reports, Appealing NPDB Reports, Secretarial Reviews, Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank (HIPDB)

The attorneys of The Health Law Firm have experience in dealing with reports made to the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB), disputing NPDB reports and appealing NPDB reports. If you are reported to the NPDB or another health care data base, you could have issues obtaining hospital privileges, state licenses, you may be excluded from the Medicare and Medicaid Programs, and it could also affect your ability to work in the health care field.

If you receive a notice that a report has been made to the NPDB, it is extremely important that you hire an attorney to dispute it, submit a rebuttal, and appeal it. If you receive notice from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) that you are being considered for exclusion from the Medicare Program, it is extremely important that you retain an experienced attorney to challenge that decision for you. Such reports and exclusion from Medicare can have devastating effects on your ability to obtain employment. 

The NPDB is one large, all encompassing central data bank for all reports made against physicians, physician assistants (PAs), nurses, nurse practitioners (NPs), dentists and all health care professionals, whether the report deals with fraud, abuse, licensure actions or malpractice. State licensing boards will also report to the NPDB disciplinary actions taken against a health care professional’s license, including revocation, suspension, probation and voluntary surrender.

A report to the NPDB can have serious consequences. All reports can and are queried by state licensing boards, hospitals and other health care facilities to assist in investigating the qualifications of a health care professional.

Please note: On May 6, 2013, the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank (HIPDB) officially merged with the NPDB. The two data banks are now known as the NPDB.

Your career may depend on having an attorney who understands the NPDB. Do not wait to contact an experienced health law attorney. The Health Law Firm attorneys routinely represent physicians, physician assistants (PAs), nurses, nurse practitioners (NPs), dentists and other health professionals in dealing with reports being made to the NPDB, disputing NPDB reports and appealing NPDB reports. Our attorneys include those who are board certified by The Florida Bar in Health Law as well as licensed health professionals who are also attorneys.